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Take up in a sentence

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Sentence count:255+10Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absorbadoptassumeborrowdrawfasten onhook onimbibelatch onlift outresumescoopscoop outscoop upseize onsoak upsop upsorbstartstrikesucksuck insuck uptaketake intake overSimilar words: make upmakeupwake upshake upmake up formake use oftakestakeMeaning: v. 1. pursue or resume 2. adopt 3. turn one's interest to 4. take up time or space 5. begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job 6. take up and practice as one's own 7. occupy or take on 8. take up a liquid or a gas either by adsorption or by absorption 9. take out or up with or as if with a scoop 10. accept 11. take in, also metaphorically 12. take up as if with a sponge 13. return to a previous location or condition take-up. n. 1. a device for reducing slack or taking up lost motion 2. the action of taking up as by tightening or absorption or reeling in. 
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31. The weather is going to take up at last.
32. Now that her children are all at school, she's going to take up full-time study again.
33. Too many extracurricular activities take up too much of our precious time for study.
34. Dr Mahathir intends to take up the proposal with the prime minister.
35. I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time.
36. He lifted the end of the canoe, nodding to me to take up mine.
37. Don't let TV take up too much of your child's playtime.
38. He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month.
39. Whoever decides to take up the gauntlet and challenge the Prime Minister will have a tough battle.
40. He will take up his post as Head of Modern Languages in September.
41. How much water is needed to take up the sugar?
42. Come along, Mother, we don't need to take up any more of Mr Kemp's time.
43. The bill was designed to permit workers to take up to twelve weeks' unpaid leave annually for family reasons.
44. I'd like to take up the point you raised earlier.
45. I think we might take up the suggestion of printing the books in Hong Kong.
46. They were not able to take up residence in their new home until the spring.
47. The aim was not to take up valuable time with the usual boring pictures.
48. Carpet tiles are perfect for kitchens because they're easy to take up and wash.
49. Leaves of many plants take up carbon dioxide and fix it in organic acids.
50. Are you going to let down or take up the hem of that dress?
51. I had been invited to take up my abode at Government House.
52. That sofa would take up too much room in the flat.
53. He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport.
54. These files have been zipped up to take up less disk space.
55. I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.
56. They threatened to take up arms against the government if their demands were not met.
57. Maybe I can subrogate him to come down to take up the matter.
58. If Sue gets a job,( Mick will have to take up the slack at home.
59. Our boss is not one to take up readily with new ideas.
60. After the hasty meal, the men had moved forward to take up their positions.
More similar words: make upmakeupwake upshake upmake up formake use oftakestaketake fortake offtake totake ontake outtake downtake caretake awaytake overtake timetake aparttake afterby mistaketake placetake the roadtake turnstake care oftake note ofundertaketake it easytake the leadtake effect
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